LEGO Brick Headz
Ideation & Copywriting / Construction / Modelling / Design / SMM
TikTok for business
Ideation & Copywriting /
Design / Development
Renault Online Showroom
Ideation / BP / UX/ UI & Design /
Development / Maintenance
WarFace Breakout
Concept / Key Visuals /
Modeling / Design
Google Вдали от столиц
Ideation / Design / Development
Brand identity / Ideation / Design
Infiniti Online Showroom
Ideation / 3D & Video / Content / UX & UI /
Design / Development / Maintenance
Ideation / Design /
Baibakov Art Projects
Ideation / UX /
Design / Development
Nissan Исторические Личности
Ideation / Design / Development
Стань героем LEGO City
Ideation & Copywriting / Construction / Modelling / Design / Development
WarFace Banana Royale
Ideation / Copywriting /
Design / Development
Онлайн Университет Rockwool
Ideation / Design / Development
Nissan Evolution
Ideation & Content /
Design / Development
LEGO ✕ Яндекс.Маркет «Город Будущего»
Ideation & Copywriting / Construction / Modelling / Design / SMM
UX & UX / Prototyping /
Design / Front-end
Истории мира LOST ARK
Ideation / Design / Development
LEGO ✕ Яндекс.Маркет «Построй свой мир»
Ideation & Copywriting / Construction /
Modeling and Stop Motion / Design / Front-end
Nissan Pathfinder
Ideation / Design / Development
Zolla Не упусти лето
Ideation / Design / SMM
Brand identity / Ideation / Design / Development
Мистраль Готовим к лучшему
Ideation / Design / Development
Xiomi Дарите умное - творите безумное
Ideation / Design / Development / SMM
Kaspersky Nothing to hack
Ideation / Design / Development
Lost Ark
Ideation / UX / Design /
Guidelines / Development
Brand creation / Visual guidelines /
Design / Front-end
Ideation / Design
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
Ideation / Design / Development